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Have you taken action on Windows 7?

Posted 8th September 2020

Have you taken action on Windows 7?

Do you still have machines that are running Windows 7?  Are they still connected to your network?

On the 14th of January this year Microsoft stopped supporting Windows 7

Obviously quite a lot has happened since that point which could easily have meant that you have forgotten or not quite gotten around to sorting your Windows 7 machine out.

Why should you care that Microsoft is no longer supporting Windows 7?

You may have noticed that you are no longer receiving security patches for Windows 7.  No patches mean that your system won’t be properly protected anymore and that you could be hacked or suffer a security breach. A data breach is reportable under GDPR regulations and could leave you facing both fines and having to explain to your customers and the ICO that the data loss was preventable, but you had not taken action. 

Additional Risks?

Any vulnerabilities that have been found by hackers will not have been patched by Microsoft.  This leaves your IT Infrastructure open to a security breach. There have been several occasions this year where cyber security attacks have targeted Window 7 machines including here and here.

I can’t afford to replace the window 7 machines.

We would argue that you can not afford not to. The potential costs of NOT replacing Windows 7 within your business or organisation could far outweigh the price of having the LP Networks Team or IT expert team resolve this before it becomes a greater problem.

What should you do next?

Call or email us. We can quickly identify where you have potential risks and provide you with a clear action plan to secure you network.  We are also able to provide Cyber Essential Certifications having been accredited by Iasme  

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