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How Microsoft Teams can improve your business

Posted 23rd January 2020

How Microsoft Teams can improve your business

Technology has always had an effect on the way we do business and in the last decade the increase in cloud-based apps and improvements to operating systems means that the way we communicate and work has dramatically changed. Flexible working and home working are on the increase and we now have the ability to access our work from pretty much anywhere with any device. So, how do you ensure that your remote workers can communicate and collaborate effectively with the rest of their colleagues? Microsoft Teams may be the answer.

Microsoft Teams is a cloud-based workspace that enables remote team collaboration and communication. Its design makes it possible to increase collaboration across and between departments, boost productivity, and improve efficiency. Here are just some of the benefits that our clients who use Microsoft Teams have reported.

Improved team communication

Microsoft Teams offers a fantastic chat function which integrates with the company’s Office 365 product suite. This enables team members to have threaded conversations connected to the documents that they are working on. You can also share brainstorming sessions, conference calls and video chats, which saves time searching through emails and notebooks.

Teams also offers real time document editing. Being able to access the latest document and see edits and changes keeps everyone in the loop, easing frustrations and saving time. For team members who may be frequently travelling or attending external meetings, it also allows them to have the latest information at their fingertips and provides a direct link to their colleagues back at the office.

Create a customizable workspace

Every business is different and so are the apps that you and your team might need to use. With this in mind Microsoft teams is compatible with several useful third-party applications, meaning you can integrate the channels that your business finds important. As a result, it’s possible to send information on, for example, Google Analytics, Twitter, and Bing to specific team channels. This saves time, increases productivity and ensures that the right team members get the right information for their roles.

Improved security and access

As Teams is a part of Office 365, it also features the same security measures, including multi-factor authentication and secure guest access. This provides two benefits. Firstly, should you suffer a cyberattack or natural disaster which takes down your devices, you can still access all of your documents and conversations on the cloud. Secondly, Teams also provides the option to provide guest access to clients, freelancers and contractors, allowing you to decide what their access needs are.

Easy transition to a digital workplace

If you already use Office365, it makes sense to make use of the Teams facility and undergo a seamless digital transformation. Instead of relying on separate programmes like Slack, Skype (Skype for business is being discontinued) and Google Documents/Dropbox, you can effectively transform and slimline your business’ operations with a Teams subscription.

LP Networks are able to provide a Microsoft Teams subscription on any of our monthly plans. For more information get in touch.

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