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The LP Lowdown 8th Edition - 10th December 2020

Posted 6th January 2021

The LP Lowdown 8th Edition - 10th December 2020
The LP Lowdown

This article is from our LP Lowdown Newsletter

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If a ransomware attack can happen to Man Utd, it can happen to you.

Over the last couple of weeks reports have been surfacing that Manchester United has been attacked by what has been described as a “sophisticated and disruptive” ransomware attack. While there are undoubtedly some football fans out there celebrating a successful attack on the Red Devils, there is a sobering reality that if it can happen to one of the most high-profile football clubs in the world it can probably happen to you too.

The world of competitive sport relies on the safekeeping of information. Anyone who follows any high-profile sport, from Premiership football, through Formula 1, all the way to cricket and horse racing knows that the information held by sports teams can be worth £millions if it made it into the public domain. Knowing if a player is injured and medical checks for potential new signings, would be considered gold dust for gamblers alone. So, it makes sense that teams like Manchester United will have the most secure IT infrastructure possible. Yet, they have still been hacked and personal identity information ....Register Free to Keep Reading

Also in this edition:

What is Patch Management and why do I need it?
LP Networks owner, Lee Pepper, interviewed for The Masthead.
Steve's Security Space: Cyber Insurance.
LP Internal News - everything happning at LP Networks.

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