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Why Corporate Social Responsibility matters to us

Posted 4th October 2019

Why Corporate Social Responsibility matters to us

Over the last 15 years LP Networks has had the privilege of building up a valued network of clients and partners. They are companies and organisations that trust us and that we, in turn, also trust and use ourselves.

We understand that we are a part of a community, we rely on them and they rely on us, so it made perfect sense to start to give something back. You’ve hopefully already read our blogs about fundraising and our fantasy football team, but there was something niggling.

As a managed service provider, looking after the IT infrastructures of a variety of clients, we regularly find ourselves upgrading devices, usually PCs and laptops that have come to the end of life in respect of their original function.  After reconditioning them and ensuring that all data is erased, they’re can still considered useful and usable for less demanding environments, such as training sessions.  Faced with the option of either sending them to landfill, which isn’t great for the environment, or donating them to small businesses and CICs (who would very much like that kind of technology but just can’t afford it).

We obviously chose the second option and have recently donated reconditioned machines to the Deaf Umbrella CIC Programme who run a job club for the deaf and hard of hearing and to Kitchen Table Creative CIC a not for profit content agency who offer free advice and web content to people who are trying to rebuild their lives. As a result of these two donations, we have been able to help people who had limited access to technology find work and create businesses, improving self-esteem, self-worth, and confidence.

For LP Networks, it’s great to be able to do something good, after all, everyone needs a helping hand at some point and, hopefully, we have created potential clients for the future. Embracing corporate social responsibility ultimately means that everybody wins.

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