Our client,CapSol Finance specialise in Buy to Let Finance in the UK with a focus on speed and agility.
For our client to maintain their outstanding service, when it comes to IT, their requirements were for full IT Support.
LP Networks firstly needed to contact our client, to discuss their Mailbox/email needs and requirements. Once this had been clarified, LP Networks then started the Tenancy setup, configuring email domain and mailboxes, email filtering and email backup.
The LP Networks engineer also reviewed SharePoint requirements with the client, which included, Users, permissions, groups and any sites and folders. This meant that SharePoint sites could then be set up, as well as MS Teams. LP Networks also migrated any current data into those sites and any client devices as well.
Lastly, LP Networks were able to set up our client for the Onboarding process in which we will collect/audit our client's complete IT Environment. We collect all device and supplier details so that we can provide proper support. Then once these audits and client data have been captured, we then go on to support these devices, which now have the correct agents and various products to effectively manage and protect them.
On-Boarding Project
Our client now has a full Managed IT support agreement with LP Networks, the benefits being ...