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Securing Tomorrow: Emerging Technologies Trends of 2024

Posted 18th December 2023

Securing Tomorrow: Emerging Technologies Trends of 2024

Although we are coming to the end of 2023, we are already looking forward to the emerging technologies and tech trends expected in the new year. However, there are some we may want to be a little wearier of. One of the pivotal areas demanding attention is cybersecurity, given the escalating sophistication of cyber threats. The data breach worldwide hit a colossal USD $4.45 million last year, rising by 15% in three years. As we step into 2024, keeping an eye out for emerging technologies and new tech threats is essential. Not every tech marvel is harmless; some can seriously jeopardise our digital security, privacy, and safety.

Let's shine a light on emerging technologies and threats for 2024

Data Poisoning Attacks

Data poisoning mucks about with datasets training AI models, causing wonky outcomes, especially in critical areas like healthcare or finance. To prevent this, safeguarding data integrity and setting up validation systems is key. Businesses should use AI-generated data cautiously. It should be heavily augmented by human intelligence and data from other sources.

5G Network Vulnerabilities

The widespread 5G usage opens up new targets. IoT (Internet of things) gadgets such as sensors or appliances that connect wirelessly to a network that are banking on 5G might become prime bait. Tightening security and strengthening network protocols are crucial. Ensure your business has a robust mobile device management strategy. Mobile is taking over much of the workload and organisations should properly track and manage how these devices access business data.

Quantum Computing Vulnerabilities

While boasting immense computational power, quantum computing puts current encryption methods at risk. Ensuring encryption techniques resistant to quantum threats is vital to shield sensitive data.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Manipulation

AI whilst being a great tool, can be twisted for malicious intent. Cyber criminals might use AI to craft convincing deepfakes and automate phishing schemes. Read our post on how AI can impact your business cybersecurity here. Spotting these threats requires robust detection mechanisms. 

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Weaknesses

With these immersive technologies becoming increasingly popular, they too come with vulnerabilities. Securing AR and VR apps is crucial to dodge user manipulation and privacy breaches, especially in sectors like gaming, education, and healthcare. Cybercriminals might exploit these platforms to deceive users, leading to real-world consequences.

Ransomware Evolution

Ransomware has moved beyond mere encryption to double extortion. Threat actors now steal sensitive data before encrypting files. If victims refuse to pay, hackers leak or sell this data, causing reputational damage.  
Some defences against this evolved ransomware threat include:

  • Robust backup solutions
  • Regular cybersecurity training
  • Proactive threat hunting 

Robust backup solutions, cybersecurity training, and proactive threat hunting are key defences.

Supply Chain Attacks

Hackers sneak into third-party vendors to hit bigger targets. Strengthening supply chain cybersecurity is critical in preventing cascading cyber incidents. Businesses can do this through rigorous vendor assessments, multi-factor authentication, and continuous monitoring. Read our case study on how we implemented 'Multi-Factor Authentication' for Italian restauraunt chain Chucs.

Biometric Data Vulnerability

Biometric authentication is widespread, but compromised biometric info is a significant, unique risk. Biometric authentication methods, such as fingerprints or facial recognition, are becoming commonplace. Look at an iPhone for example that relies on this technology for unlocking, payments, and mobile banking. But users can't change biometric data once compromised like they can passwords. Protect biometric data through secure encryption. Ensure that service providers follow strict privacy regulations. These are paramount to preventing identity theft and fraud.

Advanced Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks are getting slicker, custom-made, and even using voice-based tactics, now known as vishing. Whilst phishing is one of the oldest tricks in the cybercrime books, they are now becoming even more targeted thanks to AI. With these emerging technologies, hackers can customise spear phishing attacks to a specific individual or organisation. They do this based on online personal or professional information.

Continuous employee training and automated defence tools are vital when addressing phishing concerns within your business. 

To shield against these threats:

Staying up to date with emerging technologies and cybercrime trends is crucial in today's world. It enables individuals and organisations to proactively defend against evolving threats. As cyber criminals continually refine their tactics, exploit new vulnerabilities, and leverage the latest technologies, vigilance and staying informed can help you take proactive measures.

Here are some ways you can shield against these threats:

  • Stay updated about new threats and emerging technologies.
  • Use strong passwords and double-check authentication. 
  • Keep gadgets and software updated. 
  • Steer clear of fishy links or attachments. 
  • Check who's asking before sharing info. 
  • Regularly back up your data. 
  • Consider cyber insurance. 
  • Report any suspicious activities pronto. 
  • Partner with a technology provider.

For a complete cybersecurity check tailored to 2024's challenges, get in touch with us today. Don't take chances with your security – stay one step ahead of the game!

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