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LP Networks Blog: It Support

BYOD - How to lessen the risks of your team using their personal devices for work

BYOD - How to lessen the risks of your team using their personal devices for work

(Bring Your Own Device has become increasingly popular recently as the outlay of buying devices for staff members to use remotely has been mitigated by the ability to install apps on phones, tablets, and computers.

Remote Working Checklist

Remote Working Checklist

With the governments new measures to work from home, here at LP Networks we wanted to set out a list of requirements to make sure your set up right for your home office.

Have you taken action on Windows 7?

Have you taken action on Windows 7?

Do you still have machines that are running Windows 7? Are they still connected to your network? On the 14th of January this year Microsoft stopped supporting Windows 7.

We’ve completed our reaccreditations!

We’ve completed our reaccreditations!

LP Networks has just completed our reaccreditations!

We can help you prepare your IT for the potential impact of the Corona Virus.

As we are sure you are aware of the news that Italy as a nation has been put in lockdown, we have to consider the impact if the same measures are taken in the UK.

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