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Do you have a backup running for Office 365? You really should.

Posted 31st March 2021

Do you have a backup running for Office 365? You really should.

There’s no denying that Microsoft Office 365 is a fantastic bit of software and with over 258,000,000 monthly users it can only keep growing.

Businesses all over the world are now choosing to store their sensitive data on the Cloud as aside from having access to the latest software and the ability to safely share documents to any device, they can also save money by not running their own servers.

So, is my data is safe whilst using Office 365?

There is however, one chink in Office 365’s armour which could potentially leave data unprotected and that is that Microsoft doesn’t offer a backup service for Office 365. While there are some tools included which can be used for backup, if a business is reliant on having continued access to its data, they won’t cover its needs.

The lack of a backup strategy isn’t a secret. In fact, Microsoft details it in section 6 of their Office 365 service agreement. In it they explain that the user is responsible for protecting any data hosted my Microsoft services and that Microsoft is not responsible for any losses incurred as a result of outages. They also recommend using a third party back up service.

Is my email backed up with Office 365?

Additionally, Office 365 doesn’t offer email backups for a given point in time. This means that if an O365 email account becomes infected with ransomware, it’s impossible to return the email system to a point before the infection, effectively leaving a business held to ransom. This is also the case for SharePoint and OneDrive. Alongside this, point in time recovery for OneDrive for business and SharePoint online are limited to 30 days.

What should we do to ensure our Office 365 data is backed up?

Thankfully, there are some solutions that can ensure that can ensure that all of your important data is kept backed up and safe, allowing you to enjoy the freedoms that Office 365 offers without any worries about downtime or data breaches. LP Networks offers a comprehensive Managed Cloud Backup Service and can also provide Disaster Recovery Solutions. As a Microsoft Silver Partner, you can also rest assured that we know the products that work best with Office 365.

If you’re running Office 365 and are now concerned that you don’t have a backup system in place or are considering transferring to Office 365 and would like to discuss how LP Networks can support you, get in touch.

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